Carpet Cleaning Highland Beach

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Chem Dry Carpet Cleaning Highland Beach

Has your Highland Beach steam cleaning company left you feeling a little less than bubbly about your carpets?

Tired of the chemical smell, long drying times, musty odor that you might have come to associate with having your carpets cleaned? Frustrated that it seems like you just had your carpets cleaned, but they seem to appear dingy and dirty faster after every cleaning? Wondering about mystery stains that might have appeared after your last carpet cleaning a try? If so, give A1A ChemDry of the Gold Coast a try and see why our hot carbonation extraction process is so much better than traditional steam carpet cleaning.

Of course, every company thinks that their process and their cleaners are the best, so you must be wondering what is so different about ChemDry’s approach to cleaning carpets. We have two secrets for our success. The first secret is our proprietary formula, The Natural. The second secret is that we do not use steam cleaning, we use hot carbonation extraction, to clean your carpets.

Highland Beach Carpet Cleaning

What is The Natural you ask? The Natural is our environmentally friendly carpet cleaning detergent, which is made from all-natural ingredients. It is not only green, it is also tremendously powerful, and can tackle even stubborn stains. Even better, the ingredients are safe for your family, pets, and home, so that you can enjoy your clean carpets.

We combine our superior cleaner with a superior cleaning process, hot carbonation extraction. While most people have had their carpets steam-cleaned, not everyone understands the steam cleaning process. In traditional steam-cleaning, the technician uses a combination of cleaner and a lot of water to flood your carpet fibers, hoping to bring dirt, stains, and the detergent to the surface for extraction. The problem is that, no matter how good the extraction equipment is, much of that water is left behind in your carpets, along with dirt and detergent residue. The result is carpets that take a long time to dry, that might become moldy or mildew, and that have a sticky detergent residue on them that actually attracts dirt, resulting in carpets getting dirty more quickly than before they were cleaned!

Hot carbonation extraction uses the power of bubbles to reduce the amount of water needed to effectively lift dirt and stains to the surface for extraction. If you have ever used club soda to help remove a stain, then you already know how bubbles can lift dirt and stains up to the surface of fibers. Our hot carbonation extraction process works in the same way, but on a larger scale. Using it, we can use up to 80% less water and still achieve superior, longer-lasting results than most traditional steam cleaning companies.

The best way to see the difference is to experience it yourself. Call A1A ChemDry of the Gold Coast to schedule your Highland Beach carpet cleaning and discover the bubbly difference, today!

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A1A Chemdry of the Gold Coast